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Difficulties in Conceiving

Couples who are unable to conceive for a long period of time or who conceive but cannot carry it to the birth of the baby should find out if any genetic condition is responsible for this. Infertility causes social, economical, and emotional trauma to the couple and leaves many unhealed scars.


Males as well as females contribute equally to infertility. Know the exact reason and appropriate options that can help you get to the joyous day of holding your child.

Repeated Pregnancy Loss

50% early pregnancy losses have chromosomal abnormalities.


Genetic Consultation helps in establishing the cause and assessing the risk of recurrence in future pregnancies.


Know the options available and make informed decisions based on your genes.


In India, around 15-20 million couples suffer from infertility every year.

Unexplained infertility? IVF failures? Family history of abortions/infertility? 


Get the information and make informed decisions about treatment options or assisted reproductive techniques (ART)

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